Donation To Mepe Flood Victims

As part of it’s Corporate Social Responsibilities, St. Georges Security Ltd, recently donated 300 bags of cement towards the North Tongu MP’s Safe Alternative Housing Project spearheaded by Honorable Sam Okudzeto Ablakwa to support the housing project for the residents of Mepe town following their displacement after the recent Akosombo dam spillage. The generous donation from St. George’s Security was a significant boost to the housing project, allowing the residents to make substantial progress in rebuilding their homes and restoring their lives. The CEO of St. George’s Security, Mr. Solomon Sebastian, expressed deep concern for the displaced residents and emphasized the importance of coming together as a community to help those in need. The donation of 300 bags of cement was a demonstration of the company’s commitment to supporting those in need and making a positive impact in the community. Upon receiving the donation, Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, expressed heartfelt gratitude, acknowledging the significant difference it would make in their efforts to provide housing for the displaced residents. The collaboration between St. George’s Security and Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa exemplifies the power of community solidarity and the positive impact that can be achieved through collective action. The donation not only […]

Living Wage – We Are In

St Georges Security has decided to sign up to pay the national living wage for all its security guards.  Announcing this at the company’s annual Christmas dinner, group director Mr Sebastian Solomon said “We’re proud to announce today that we have committed to start paying the national living wage to all our employees. This is in line with our vision of being an ethical employer. A highly motivated and incentivised workforce brings value to our entire service process and our clients and company ultimately benefits. We are all partners to ensuring continued success”

Passing Out Ceremony – 2 Week Training

On the 24 Feb 2023, a sunny afternoon, the courtyard of our company headquarters was filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment as we celebrated the graduation of our security guards from a comprehensive two-week training program. The ceremony marked the end of an intense learning experience that has transformed our security team into more professional and efficient guards. The two-week training program covered a range of topics, including physical security, emergency response, communication skills, and conflict resolution. The training was delivered by our experienced UK training team who provided hands-on instruction and guidance to the guards. The Bespoke training program was designed by our UK training team which has combined the UK’s SIA ( Security Industry Authority ) standards and tailored to fit the Ghanaian market. Throughout the program, our security guards showed great enthusiasm and a strong commitment to learning, and their hard work paid off. During the graduation ceremony, our Managing Director Mr Anthony Hammond, delivered a heartfelt speech commending the guards for their dedication and hard work. He highlighted the importance of the security team in safeguarding our client’s  assets, employees, and the company’s reputation. He expressed his confidence that the newly trained security guards armed […]

Business Security Basics

As a business owner, securing your company should be at the top of your priority list. Not only does this help you ensure that your goods are protected from damage or theft, but it also allows you to protect yourself and your employees from various threats. There are some security basics that every company should be following to ensure that they adhere to the best security for small businesses. These business security systems are imperative when it comes to keeping everything and, more importantly, everyone, safe. So, what small business security services need to be implemented to protect your business from any threats? Be Alert First thing’s first, companies should constantly remain vigilant and alert, particularly during the opening and closing times. Anyone intending to harm your business, whether they’re an internal or external threat, will look for vulnerabilities throughout opening and closing times. These individuals will utilise any distraction possible to catch your premises in its most susceptible state. Light Your Premises Quite simply, your business premises is less prone to threats when it’s clearly visible. You should pay particular attention to your doors and car parks as this ensures the greatest security for the premises and employees alike. […]

What Type Of Security Is Best For You

Regardless of industry, security for your business is absolutely imperative. Despite this, the extent and type of security that you need are completely unique to your company. Therefore, it’s vital that you’re familiar with all the types of security on offer and what they can do for your business. St Georges Security provides a multitude of security services throughout the Ghana & UK, meaning that we’re well equipped to guide you in your security journey. We understand how dedicated business owners and managers are to their companies, which is why protective measures such as ours are so important. Read on to learn more about the various types of security and deduce which is best for you. Keyholding and Alarm Response We’re proud to be known as a leading industry expert in alarm response and keyholding services, providing clients with a professional and efficient security service. Keyholding and alarm response involves an external company, such as St Georges Security, handling all keyholding duties of a business. These include opening up and locking the premises each morning and evening, as well as responding to security alarms being triggered. Keyholding and alarm response promises convenience to any business, as unforeseen circumstances such as traffic […]