Donation To Mepe Flood Victims

As part of it’s Corporate Social Responsibilities, St. Georges Security Ltd, recently donated 300 bags of cement towards the North Tongu MP’s Safe Alternative Housing Project spearheaded by Honorable Sam Okudzeto Ablakwa to support the housing project for the residents of Mepe town following their displacement after the recent Akosombo dam spillage.

The generous donation from St. George’s Security was a significant boost to the housing project, allowing the residents to make substantial progress in rebuilding their homes and restoring their lives.

The CEO of St. George’s Security, Mr. Solomon Sebastian, expressed deep concern for the displaced residents and emphasized the importance of coming together as a community to help those in need. The donation of 300 bags of cement was a demonstration of the company’s commitment to supporting those in need and making a positive impact in the community. Upon receiving the donation, Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, expressed heartfelt gratitude, acknowledging the significant difference it would make in their efforts to provide housing for the displaced residents.

The collaboration between St. George’s Security and Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa exemplifies the power of community solidarity and the positive impact that can be achieved through collective action. The donation not only contributes to rebuilding homes but also serves as a symbol of hope and resilience for the residents of Mepe town as they work towards restoring their community.

St. Georges Security’s commitment to supporting those in need sets an inspiring example for other businesses and individuals, demonstrating the profound impact that acts of kindness and generosity can have on communities in times of adversity.